Dealing with a Hyper Breed

Do you feel like you are losing your mind with these jumping jack rabbits?
It  can be quite the challenge. Jack Russells are well known for being hyper. They can create a lot of chaos in your household.

My advice is to get them into training and obedience classes as puppies, even as adults, it's never too late. 

Jack is the boss of the house, she demands what she wants. 

 Walk your Jack Russell Terrier frequently. The breed is known for having a nearly inexhaustible energy and a hyper one can be even more energetic. Frequent and consistent exercise will help rid the dog of excess energy and make her less likely to get into mischief.

Put your Jack Russell on a treadmill. This is a great option if you're too busy to walk the dog frequently or are unable to walk long distances.

Keep your Jack Russell Terrier leashed when you take him out. Jack Russells are fast animals with a strong curiosity that can often lead them into trouble. Keeping the animal leashed is a good safety precaution.

Enroll your dog in competitions, such as agility or go-to-ground competitions. These competitions let the dogs race, chase and dig in a controlled environment, turning that hyper energy into a positive activity rather than uncontrolled misbehavior.

Many experienced, as well as inexperienced, dog owners are overwhelmed by the demands of a Jack Russell Terrier, leading to the dogs being abandoned, even before they reach adulthood.

Consult your vet if your Jack Russell Terrier is so hyper you can't control her. In rare circumstances, your vet may choose to medicate the dog to calm and soothe her, but this should be a last resort.

Jack Being a Goof!
Rocky & Jack