Are Jack Russells Right for You?

Jack Russells are very demanding and hyper dogs. Many experienced, as well as, inexperienced dog owners are overwhelmed by the demands of a Jack Russell Terrier, leading to the dogs being abandoned even before they reach adulthood.


Out Going
Attention Seekers

Temperament of the Dog

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very loving and devoted dog. They are very loyal to their owner and their family. They enjoy games and playing with toys. They are generally friendly with strangers and children, who do not tease them.

Better suited to an indoor or outdoor lifestyle?

The Jack Russell will do well outside, as they enjoy hunting. They may learn to climb chain-link fencing and they can also jump. They enjoy chasing and exploring. They also enjoy barking and digging. The Jack Russell will do okay in an apartment with sufficient exercise, as they are very active indoors and require a lot of attention.

They do best in an average sized yard. Jack Russells have been known to jump 5 feet high. A Jack Russell should not be left unattended in the home and are best to be crate trained.

Are they suited to homes with kids?

They are good with children, who do not tease them. They should not be left unsupervised with children, as dogs may become aggressive if they are taunted. They have been known to bite children who tease.


As puppies, the Jack Russell must be crate trained, so they can be left unattended in the home, as well as, housebroken. These dogs are very strong-willed and will make a good family companion as long as the owner is energetic and willing to put forth the proper amount of obedience training.

The Jack Russell has many talents including hunting, tracking, agility and performing tricks. They are very intelligent and will learn tricks and commands easily. As they grow older, their training should be emphasized, so that they remain willing and under control.

The Jack Russell Terrier should not be left off a leash, unless they are very well trained.They love to chase and play and these behaviours often take over any previous training when they are not restrained.

Activity Level

How active is the Breed?

These dogs are very active, both indoors and outdoors. They love to run and play. They will do well indoors with sufficient exercise. Owners should be prepared to get exercise as well, as they will be required to play many games either indoors or outdoors.

Exercise Need

The Jack Russell is very active during every stage of its life and will require sufficient exercise. Without sufficient exercise, they may become destructive and bored.