About Rocky & Jack


Rocky is a bit more laid back than Jack. She is not as hyper, but at times she can be. She will go on a barking fit for no reason.

She’s an extreme begger for food and treats. I swear that dog truly loves food. She actually drools for food. She will even stare at the treat dish like it’s going to come down. She will go outside, do nothing and come in, because when they go do their business outside they get a treat.

Rocky’s favorite time of the day is snuggle time when we watch movies in bed. We snuggle and cuddle and it’s just a very special time for us. It’s really relaxing.

Rocky has a kong from when she was a baby and she is glued to that kong. In the summer she will hold on to it the entire time, I’m surprised she does not get lockjaw. We also have to constantly throw it. She will bark at us if we don’t, so instead of relaxing outside she will make us throw kong.

Rocky also LOVES swimming and she surfs on a molly brown. It’s a good cool down for her when it’s hot.


I have to say, Jack really is one of a kind. I say this in a loving way and I would not change her for the world but she is bossy, bull headed, does not listen, does what she wants when she wants and grumbles and growls if she is not getting her way.But in all honesty she puts up a front, she really is a snuggle bug and a softie. But she acts all rough and tough.

Jack, I have to say, really is one of a kind. I say this in a loving way and I would not change her for the world but she is bossy, bull headed, does not listen, does what she wants when she wants and grumbles and growls if she is not getting her way.

She charges at the mirror down the hall, scaring the crap out of us all the time, she attacks it.

When we go for walks both Rocky and Jack rule the neighborhood. When people see the terrible two coming down the street they wave at us and switch sides.

Jack loves to watch TV. She will sit there and actually watch it but she also attacks the TV when she sees something she does not like.

Jack is an extremely hyper and high strung dog with loads of energy, she’s a pistol. If she hears the mail man coming, she barks like crazy. If she gets frustrated she will bite the snow or something around her.

Jack had a huge overbite, poor baby. It’s hard for her to pick up food so we usually give her a helping hand. She also makes a mess because she leaves bits of food and treats but Rocky (we call her Hoover) comes along and picks up the left over crumbs.

She truly is one of a kind.